Many companies elect to rent a forklift, rather than buying one. If your business uses a forklift, you may be wondering why this trend is gaining in popularity and why you should consider renting a forklift from an equipment rental company instead of buying one. Here are some of those reasons.
You Don’t Need a Lot of Money Upfront
Not every business is flush with cash, nor does every business have great business credit. These two elements can make it challenging to buy a forklift. Fortunately, this does not mean that your business cannot get a forklift. Renting is an option because you do not need to put down a large down payment or qualify for a loan. You simply pay a set amount of money to rent the piece of equipment as needed from an equipment rental company.
You Don’t Have to Maintain the Forklift
You may not realize this, but when you rent a forklift from an equipment rental company, you are not responsible for maintaining the piece of equipment. The rental company is. Forklifts need regular maintenance to ensure they function properly and meet OSHA regulations. Fortunately, this is not something you have to concern yourself with when you rent one. Additionally, unless you cause the damage, you may also not have to worry about making repairs to the unit when the time comes as well.
You Can Rent the Forklift When Needed
Lastly, forklift rentals are gaining in popularity because not every company uses one all the time. Some companies only use forklifts during certain times of the year. For example, according to Bigrentz, in 2019, September was the most popular month to rent one, with January being the least popular. If you don’t need a forklift year-round, you have to find a place to store it. Renting one lets you use the forklift only when you need to.
More and more companies are turning to an equipment rental company to get the equipment they need, such as a forklift. This is because there are numerous benefits associated with renting equipment instead of buying it. If you are looking to rent equipment for your business, give us a call today at West Branch Rental to reserve the equipment you need.